Let me use this opportunity to share some very interesting article some people would find weird and funny while others would find strange meanwhile you can read some more bizarre and weird articles on Listabuzz when you are done. Phobia can be defined as an abnormal and excessive fear of something or a situation that poses little or no danger.It will amaze you to hear the kind of phobias people do really have, I bet you don't know they exit. There are lots of phobias out there, maybe due to a traumatic experience people had in the past, they suddenly develop a phobia for that, whatever reason they have to prove this point, the truth still remains that these phobias are quite weird and funny.
1) Somniphobia- fear of falling asleep
Can also be reffered to as hypnophobia. It is the fear of falling asleep, sounds abnormal but its real. These set of people most times associate sleeping with dying, they think that they will die once they fall asleep. Also nightmares can result to this, when people have excessive nightmare, they now become afraid of falling asleep cause once they do, nightmare sets in.Now you understand why they have such phobia, though it sounds reasonable, it is still wierd and funny.
2) Pentheraphobia- Fear of Mother-in-Law
As funny as this particular phobia may sound, it is probably the most common amongst all the other phobias on this list. Married people will understand more about this phobia, lots of married women have suffered from this phobia and a lot are still battling with it, amongst the many ways of dealing with this phobia, divorce seem to be the common one especially in the western countries.This phobia is similar to novercaphobia which is the fear of stepmother and is a typical example of a specific phobia
3) Caligynephobia- fear of beautiful women
Beauty is something to be admired and yearned for, not something that is supposed to terrorize anyone. Caligynephobia does not seem to agree to that tone. Such phobia refers to an unwarranted fear of beautiful women. It is commonly suffered by adolescents and men, specifically those who do not have straight orientation. It causes panic attacks and damages social interactions.
4) Didaskaleinophobia - fear of going to school
This phobia is mostly common with chidren, Children who possess this phobia can be bullied, suffer from learning disability, feel academically pressured (especially around exam time) or are even too bright and find it hard to stay engaged with the curriculum and their peers.
5) Ablutophobia
Taking a bath is an essential form of personal hygiene. However, for people with Ablutophobia, they do not believe that washing or cleaning is doable because it is something that terrorizes them. This particular phobia should not be confused with fear of cleanliness, as the latter refers to the dread of the cleaning process itself. It is usually found in women and children experiencing emotional instabilities due to past traumas or other distressing reasons.
Find out what is Phobia